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Elevating Your Home Office: Professional Audio/Video Communication

The concept of a home office isn't new, but creating a space that rivals professional studios has been challenging. The key is integrating high-quality audio, video, sound dampening, and lighting into your existing setup.

In addition to professional Audio/Video Communication we show you how to create:

1. High-quality video conferencing

2. Effective sound dampening techniques

3. Optimal lighting arrangements

4. Professional standalone video setup

5. Professional-grade audio recording and mixing

VertiMetrics AV's Mission

VertiMetrics addresses the modern technology challenges companies face by focusing on one vertical market at a time, using that market's metrics to measure success.
VertiMetrics AV is specific to the audio, video, lighting, & sound isolation of the modern professional Home Office.

Our mission is to help you maximize your professional image using your existing home office footprint.

This includes sound isolation, sound dampening, microphones, cabling, cameras and camera technique, lighting, backdrops, recording, mixing & mastering.

Without this focus on the home office, AV advice is often too generic to be applied to the average remote and hybrid professional.


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VertiMetrics AV